
Get your Pinot fast with Data Manager

Apache Pinot™ supports data ingestion from a wide variety of sources such as streaming (eg: Kafka, Pulsar, RedPanda, Kinesis), batch (eg: S3, GCS, HDFS) as well as SQL sources. Configuring ingestion properties for all these data sources within the Pinot table config can get very tedious. In addition, users also have to specify additional settings such as data partitioning, column indexes, retention, quotas and so on which makes it cumbersome for beginners to start onboarding Pinot tables. Introducing StarTree Data Manager: a no-code, self-service tool that helps users of all caliber to quickly get started with Pinot. It provides a convenient wizard to walk users through the different table creation steps. It also helps users finalize the data model by providing a preview of the Pinot schema and table. With Data Manager, StarTree users can go from registration to first query within a matter of minutes.

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