StarTree Cloud

The most powerful real-time analytics platform

StarTree Cloud is the real-time analytics platform for user-facing applications. Powered by Apache Pinot. Deployed globally.

Group 1000002161

All your analytics. One unified platform.


Run subsecond
queries at scale


Gain critical business insights

Save Time

Save time with a fully managed service


Process data with peace-of-mind

deployment OPTIONS

Works wherever you deploy it


Bring Your Own Cloud

Integrate your analytical workloads into your existing cloud infrastructure and apps. StarTree works with AWS, Google Cloud and Azure. And it’s still fully managed, just in your environment.

BYOC 2@2x

Public SaaS

Haven’t got the experience of running your own cloud services? No problem. Get up-and-running quickly and run your analytical workloads using the hassle-free, convenient SaaS edition of StarTree.

Public Saas 2@2x

Runs on Your Favorite Cloud Provider

Amazon Web Services Logo 3
Group 1000002135
Group 1000002136

Sync your data.
No code needed.

Integrate StarTree with your transactional databases and event streaming platforms. Then start ingesting data at millions of events per second and indexing it for lightning-fast query responses.

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Anomoly Detection
anomaly detection

See the metrics that matter, with a click

Detect anomalies in real-time, monitor your most important business metrics and perform root cause analysis. All in one go.

Your real-time analytics toolkit

The fully-managed user-facing real-time analytics platform designed for OLAP at massive speed and scale.

Scalable real-time upserts

Upserts are two operations in one. If a data record doesn’t exist, it performs an insert. If it does already exist, it performs an update. StarTree can perform upserts scalably at millons of rows per second.

Scalable Real Time Upserts

Simplified tiered storage

Stay within your SLAs and budgets with StarTree’s tiered storage. Balance the performance of local storage for frequently used data with the cost-effectiveness of cloud object storage for less-frequently accessed data.

Scalable Real Time Upserts 2

Powerful, flexible indexing

Harness extensive indexing to analyze your data, any way you want. Unlike other techniques which work on a single column, the star-tree index is built on multiple columns, using pre-aggregated results.

Scalable Real Time Upserts

Query-time JOINs

Run complex SQL queries without sacrificing blazing fast query performance, gaining the business insights your teams need in real-time. StarTree can perform query-time JOINs using its optimized multi-stage query engine.

Multi Stage Query Engine

Autoscaling minions

Save costs on your cloud infrastructure with autoscaling minions. Ensure administrative tasks are processed efficiently and automatically, such as repartitioning data post-ingestion, or merging smaller segments into larger ones.

Auto Scaling Minions

Start for free. Seriously.

Get started for free with serverless, a fully-managed cloud-native version of StarTree Cloud and the building blocks behind our free tier. Ingest data and get insights without worrying about infrastructure or software.

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interactive data analysis

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No-/low-code ingestion

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fully-managed workspace

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Instant onboarding

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collaborative environment

Apache Pinot just leveled up

StarTree Cloud is powered by Apache Pinot, yet brings far more to the table. It’s also made available as a fully-managed DBaaS — giving you everything you need to launch real-time analytics at enterprise scale.

StarTree Cloud

(BYOC, SaaS)

Apache Pinot

Apache Pinot Open Source

Ready to deploy real-time analytics?

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2024 Data Streaming Report

Unlock the latest insights on real-time data streaming. Download the Confluent + StarTree report now!