
Apache Pinot™ 0.12: Consumer Record Lag

20220624 PNG Startree Logo Mark Fill Storm
released on
March 30, 2023

The Apache Pinot community recently released version 0.12.0 , which has lots of goodies for you to play with. I’ve been exploring and writing about those features in a series of blog posts.

This post will explore a new API endpoint that lets you check how much Pinot is lagging when ingesting from Apache Kafka.

Why do we need this?

A common question in the Pinot community is how to work out the consumption status of real-time tables.

This was a tricky one to answer, but Pinot 0.12 sees the addition of a new API that lets us see exactly what’s going on.

Worked Example

Let’s have a look at how it works with help from a worked example.

First, we’re going to create a Kafka topic with 5 partitions:

docker exec -it kafka-lag-blog  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092  
--partitions 5
--topic events


We’re going to populate this topic with data from a data generator, which is shown below:

import datetime, uuid, random, json, click, time  
@click.option('--sleep', default=0.0, help='Sleep between each message')
def generate(sleep):
while True:
ts ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
id = str(uuid.uuid4())
count = random.randint(0, 1000)
print(json.dumps({"tsString": ts, "uuid": id, "count": count}))

if __name__ == '__main__':


We can see an example of the messages generated by this script by running the following:

python –sleep 0.01 2>/dev/null | head -n3 | jq -c

You should see something like this:

{"tsString":"2023-03-17T12:10:03.854680Z","uuid":"f3b7b5d3-b352-4cfb-a5e3-527f2c663143","count":690} {"tsString":"2023-03-17T12:10:03.864815Z","uuid":"eac57622-4b58-4456-bb38-96d1ef5a1ed5","count":522} 


So far, so good. Let’s now ingest this data into Kafka:

python --sleep 0.01 2>/dev/null | jq -cr --arg sep ø '[.uuid, tostring] | join($sep)' | 
kcat -P -b localhost:9092 -t events -Kø


Next we’re going to create a Pinot schema and table. First, the schema config:

{  "schemaName": "events", 
"dimensionFieldSpecs": [{"name": "uuid", "dataType": "STRING"}],
"metricFieldSpecs": [{"name": "count", "dataType": "INT"}],
"dateTimeFieldSpecs": [
"name": "ts",
"dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
"granularity": "1:MILLISECONDS"


And now, the table config:

{  "tableName": "events", 
"tableType": "REALTIME",
"segmentsConfig": {
"timeColumnName": "ts",
"schemaName": "events",
"replication": "1",
"replicasPerPartition": "1"
"tableIndexConfig": {
"loadMode": "MMAP",
"streamConfigs": {
"streamType": "kafka",
"": "events",
"": "kafka-lag-blog:9093",
"stream.kafka.consumer.type": "lowlevel",
"": "smallest",
"": "",
"": "",
"realtime.segment.flush.threshold.rows": "10000000"
"ingestionConfig": {
"transformConfigs": [
"columnName": "ts",
"transformFunction": "FromDateTime(tsString, 'YYYY-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS''Z''')"
"tenants": {},
"metadata": {}


We can create both the table and schema using the AddTable command:

docker run   --network lag_blog  
-v $PWD/config:/config
apachepinot/pinot:0.12.0-arm64 AddTable
-schemaFile /config/schema.json
-tableConfigFile /config/table.json
-controllerHost "pinot-controller-lag-blog"


Now let’s call the /consumingSegmentsInfo endpoint to see what’s going on:

curl “http://localhost:9000/tables/events/consumingSegmentsInfo” 2>/dev/null | jq

The output of calling this end point is shown below:

{  "_segmentToConsumingInfoMap": { 
"events__0__0__20230317T1133Z": [
"serverName": "Server_172.29.0.4_8098",
"consumerState": "CONSUMING",
"lastConsumedTimestamp": 1679052823350,
"partitionToOffsetMap": {
"0": "969"
"partitionOffsetInfo": {
"currentOffsetsMap": {
"0": "969"
"latestUpstreamOffsetMap": {
"0": "969"
"recordsLagMap": {
"0": "0"
"availabilityLagMsMap": {
"0": "26"



If we look under partitionOffsetInfo , we can see what’s going on:

  • currentOffsetsMap is Pinot’s current offset
  • latestUpstreamOffsetMap is Kafka’s offset
  • recordsLagMap is the record lag
  • availabilityLagMsMap is the time lag

This output is a bit unwieldy, so let’s create a bash function to tidy up the output into something that’s easier to consume:

function consuming_info() {  curl "http://localhost:9000/tables/events/consumingSegmentsInfo" 2>/dev/null | 
jq -rc '[._segmentToConsumingInfoMap | keys[] as $k | (.[$k] | .[] | {
segment: $k,
kafka: (.partitionOffsetInfo.currentOffsetsMap | keys[] as $k | (.[$k])),
pinot: (.partitionOffsetInfo.latestUpstreamOffsetMap | keys[] as $k | (.[$k])),
recordLag: (.partitionOffsetInfo.recordsLagMap | keys[] as $k | (.[$k])),
timeLagMs: (.partitionOffsetInfo.availabilityLagMsMap | keys[] as $k | (.[$k]))
})] | (.[0] |keys_unsorted | @tsv), (.[] |map(.) |@tsv)' | column -t
printf "n"



Let’s call the function:


We’ll see the following output:

Consumer record lag output

Now let’s put it in a script and call the watch command so that it will be refreshed every couple of seconds:

function consuming_info() {
curl "http://localhost:9000/tables/events/consumingSegmentsInfo" 2>/dev/null |
jq -rc '[._segmentToConsumingInfoMap | keys[] as $k | (.[$k] | .[] | {
segment: $k,
kafka: (.partitionOffsetInfo.currentOffsetsMap | keys[] as $k | (.[$k])),
pinot: (.partitionOffsetInfo.latestUpstreamOffsetMap | keys[] as $k | (.[$k])),
recordLag: (.partitionOffsetInfo.recordsLagMap | keys[] as $k | (.[$k])),
timeLagMs: (.partitionOffsetInfo.availabilityLagMsMap | keys[] as $k | (.[$k]))
})] | (.[0] |keys_unsorted | @tsv), (.[] |map(.) |@tsv)' | column -t
printf "n"

export -f consuming_info
watch bash -c consuming_info


Give permissions to run it as a script:

chmod u+x

And finally, run it:


This will print out a new table every two seconds. Let’s now make things more interesting by removing the sleep from our ingestion command:

python 2>/dev/null | jq -cr --arg sep ø '[.uuid, tostring] | join($sep)' | 
kcat -P -b localhost:9092 -t events -Kø


And now if we look at the watch output:

Apache Pinot Consumer Record Lag

We get some transitory lag, but it generally goes away by the next time the command is run.


I love this feature, and it solves a problem I’ve struggled with when using my datasets. I hope you’ll find it just as useful.

Give it a try, and let us know how you get on. If you have any questions about this feature, feel free to join us on Slack , where we’ll be happy to help you out.

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