Events & Webinars

Uber x Apache Pinot Meetup

An in-person Meetup hosted by Uber and the Apache Pinot community. We will kick off with opening marks by Ujwala Tulshigiri followed by a series of three interesting talks by the speakers from Uber,, and LinkedIn.

released on
August 27, 2024

We welcome you to join us for an in-person Meetup hosted by Uber and the Apache Pinot community. We will kick off with opening marks by Ujwala Tulshigiri followed by a series of three interesting talks by the speakers from Uber,, and LinkedIn.

Event Details

  • This Meetup is a co-hosted by Uber and
  • This Meetup is an in-person event only
  • Registration is required for the Meetup. Please RSVP & answer the questions (full name & email address)
  • Event location details will be emailed a few days before the event to those who have registered for the event and provided an email address

Register Now

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