
Real-Time Analytics Summit: Virtually Right Around the Corner

Tim Berglund
released on
July 20, 2022

I have news: we have decided to transition the Real-Time Analytics Summit to a virtual format this fall. We are still planning an in-person event, but that will happen next spring. Now, let me give you some more color.

When we decided late this past winter to create the first industry event focused on real-time analytics, we knew COVID could be a factor. We agreed to plan for an in-person event since many events are making this pivot as nature slowly heals and communities show a strong desire to meet in person. We set late May as our drop-dead date to pivot to virtual if COVID looked like it was getting worse, which it wasn’t. Well, until just after our drop-dead date.

When registration opened up in June, we saw the sudden spike in Omicron BA.4, which seemed especially prominent in California. StarTree is still supporting live events where they’re happening, but we got a clear signal from our community that they were more interested in online content than an in-person meeting for now. Given how many people in our neck of the woods seem to be getting sick these past few weeks, we understand.

COVID risk tolerance is a difficult question, and we all answer it in different ways. Still, as we move forward through two and a half years of more difficult measures, our decision, for now, is to meet virtually this year and plan for an in-person event in the spring.

Which gives you multiple opportunities! You can join us virtually this fall, and you have plenty of time to plan travel and ask for budget money for the spring. If you’ve got a team, plan on bringing them to both. You owe it to yourself and your team to get in on this space while it’s still the early days. If you care about real-time analytics, you really should be here.

Real-time analytics is not going to remain a new category forever. It’s a growing space, and now is the time to get involved. The response we saw to the CFP was incredible! So many more proposals than we could ever accommodate, all from experienced engineers working at scale for companies with names you’d recognize. And it was the same with sponsorship—there is just so much enthusiasm here! The category is exploding…so be ready. You’ll be hearing more from me soon.

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