How to use the alert creation UI

The alert creation UI is where you will create new alerts and there are 2 modes: Simple and Advanced.

  • The Simple mode will prompt you for the different parts of the alert configuration and build the configuration JSON.
  • You can see the current status of the JSON in Advanced mode or switch to that mode to paste your own configuration.

How to access the alert creation UI

  1. Browse to the Configuration page.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Click the Create Alert menu item.

This will take you to the alert creation UI, defaulting to Advanced mode.

Simple Mode

You can switch to simple mode in the top right section of the page where there is a switch for the 2 modes.

The Sections

1 – Alert Details

In this section, you will be prompted to input the name of the alert. Ensure this is unique and no other existing alert has the same name.

The description is optional.

The cron section is where you can schedule where you can configure how often the pipelines checks for anomalies. The cron is expected to be in quartz format.

2 – Template Property Input

This section allows you to select an Alert Template to use for your configuration. Alert templates are entities in ThirdEye that help make creating new alerts with less copying and pasting. Several come out of the box with a new installation of ThirdEye. Alert templates require you to enter properties specific to your environment which you will be prompted for in the section below Template type.

3 – Preview Configuration

This section allows you to preview the alert configuration by seeing the metric trend and the anomalies that may be detected. You will see a button to preview once all the template properties are input.

The preview button looks like the one below:

When data is loaded, it will look like the screenshot below

4 – Notification Configuration

This section allows you to configure which groups will be alerted when there are new anomalies.

Advanced Mode

The Sections

1 – JSON Editor

You can copy and paste JSON into here.

2 – Preview Configuration

This section allows you to preview the alert configuration by seeing the metric trend and the anomalies that may be detected. You will see a button to preview once all the template properties are input.

The preview button looks like the one below:

When data is loaded, it will look like the screenshot below

3 – Notification Configuration

This section allows you to configure which groups will be alerted when there are new anomalies.