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Derived metric alerts
ThirdEye supports monitoring derived metrics. StarTree templates are directly compatible with derived metrics, but a piece of configuration is required for root-cause analysis (RCA) to work.
Here is an example of monitoring the 95th percentile of the difference of 2 metrics met1
and met2
, with the startree-threshold-percentile
You must have StarTree templates installed and up to date to use this template.
"name": "derived-metric-95-percentile-threshold",
"description": "Monitor 95th percentile of met1-met2 with threshold alert.",
"template": {
"name": "startree-threshold-percentile"
"templateProperties": {
"dataSource": "yourDatasource",
"dataset": "yourDataset",
"monitoringGranularity": "P1D",
"min": "1000",
"max": "2500",
"aggregationFunction": "PERCENTILETDIGEST",
"aggregationParameter": "95",
"aggregationColumn": "met2-met1",
"rcaAggregationFunction": "PCT95"
"cron": "0 0 0 1/1 * ? *"
calls the Pinot PERCENTILETDIGEST functionaggregationParameter
is the second parameter of the function. It sets the percentile to 95.aggregationColumn
contains the derived metric.rcaAggregationFunction
sets the RCA aggregation function. It binds toaggregationFunction
in the alert configuration.PCT95
corresponds to 95th percentile. The set of aggregation functions is limited. For more detail, see Aggregation functions. RCA would not work without this configuration. It is necessary because the derived metric is not registered in ThirdEye, so no default aggregation function is available.