How to use the ThirdEye API

ThirdEye exposes a CRUD API. This make it easy to use ThirdEye as a headless service from your apps. The easiest way to discover and try the different endpoints is to use Swagger.

Using Swagger

Swagger is exposed by the coordinator at [coordinator_url]/swagger. If you use StarTree ThirdEye or the Helm charts, Swagger is also exposed by the frontend app at [your_thirdeye_url]/swagger.

  1. Go to [your_thirdeye_url]/swagger

  2. If your instance uses authentication, click the “Authorize” button and provide a bearer token.

  3. If your instance use HTTPS, switch HTTP to HTTPS.

  4. Try the endpoints.

Obtaining a bearer token

If your instance uses authentication, the frontend passes a bearer token when performing requests. In your browser, in the devtools, you can see the bearer token.

You can copy and paste the token into the Swagger UI.

Obtaining a long-lasting token (basic auth token)

StarTree cloud users: To obtain a basic auth token for StarTree ThirdEye, contact StarTree Tech Support, and then complete step 3 below (skipping steps 1-2).

Step 1 – Update ThirdEye configuration in the Helm chart

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
      - username: <USERNAME>
        password: <PASSWORD>

Step 2 – Use the generated basic auth token in requests

To authenticate a request, add the Authorization header with the token value as the base64 encoded value of username:password prefixed with Basic.

Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzcw== where YWRtaW46cGFzcw== is the base64 encoded value of admin:pass.

To encode on macOs:

echo -D '<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>' | base64

Step 3 – Use the Basic Auth token in Swagger

Copy and paste the token YWRtaW46cGFzcw== in the Swagger UI as Basic YWRtaW46cGFzcw==.