Release Version 0.7.1: November 2023

Significant Apache Pinot updates since last StarTree release

For complete details on Pinot changes, see Releases.

  • Skip unparseable records in the CSV reader. To enable, set the skipUnParseableLines flag to true (pull request).
  • Protocol buffer ingestion supports null values with Proto 3 (pull request)
  • Upgrade Confluent libraries from 5.5.3 to 7.2.6 (pull request)
  • Faster real-time table ingestion with updates to the segment builder. To enable, edit the table configuration to set realtime.segment.flush.enable_column_major to true (pull request)
  • Improve alias handling in single-stage engine with multiple fixes to column aliases (pull request)
  • Enhance handling of new partitions when using StrictReplicaRoutingto prevent “instance unavailable” exceptions (pull request)
  • Optimize performance in the multi-stage engine:
    • For a single join key and group key scenario, operate directly on the key values without wrappers (pull request)
    • Operate on column indexes in multi-stage aggregations to prevent extra conversion steps
    • Avoid converting unnecessary rows in aggregations (pull request)
  • Enhance segment assignments for upsert tables with more checks to ensure that the conditions required for upsert functionality to work are not violated (pull request)
  • Fix handling of literals used in aggregation for v2 engine (pull request)

Breaking changes

  • You must now specify the data type of literals in Pinot queries. Before this change, for example, 2022-02-02 22:22:22.123 was automatically treated as a timestamp data type. Now, following standard SQL behavior, use CAST('2022-02-02 22:22:22.123' AS TIMESTAMP) instead (pull request).
  • Change the “forbidden” error to “unauthorized” (pull request)
  • Table configurations that point to a different schema name no longer work (pull request).
  • You can no longer change the table state using the GET call (pull request).
  • You can no longer create a schema with NaN as the default value (pull request).
  • BigDecimal responses are now stored as a string with double quotes instead of a number (pull request).


StarTree extensions for Apache Pinot

The following updates are available only in StarTree Cloud.

  • Improvements to file ingestion task:
    • Enhancements to batch ingestion using minion to improve atomic ingestion and backfill operations
    • Control size-based segment creation with desiredSegmentSize to improve performance
  • Automatically tune segment size for segment refresh task without configuring maxNumRecordsPerTask and maxNumRecordsPerSegment. Size-based tuning helps make predictable segment sizes and avoid memory- or size- related exceptions
  • Validation is stricter for using sync mode in conjunction with other tasks. You can no longer schedule the segment refresh task at the same time as sync mode.
  • Separate RocksDB log from server logs to improve debugging experience and allow you to set different retention and rollover policies
  • Improve Kafka logs by changing the following classes to error-level:
    • KafkaConsumer
    • AppInfoParser
    • ConsumerConfig
  • Enhancements to upsert tables:
    • Correctly track primary key count and add corresponding metrics
    • Improve stability during deletion
  • Improve performance and navigation in broker and server Grafana dashboards
  • Move to Google Trust Services Certificate Authority to improve certification management

Data Manager

  • Improve data sampling from Kafka topics with large numbers of partitions by preventing “no data” error in preview
  • Automate Google Cloud Platform (GCP) credentials in Data Manager so you can ingest instead of having to contact StarTree support
  • Improve error messages to aid troubleshooting


  • Improve loading time for multi-dimension alerts and dashboard statistics
  • Simplified alert creation with advanced anomaly detection and tuning options, reducing complexity of data patterns and seasonality