Clickstream Analytics Dashboard with StarTree Cloud Free Tier and Streamlit
This guide will walk you through creating a real-time clickstream analytics dashboard using StarTree Cloud Free Tier (Apache Pinot) and Streamlit.
Use Case
An e-commerce company wants to understand user behavior on their website to improve engagement, streamline the customer journey, and increase conversions. They need real-time insights into how users interact with their website’s content and design.
Use the following technologies:
- Apache Pinot: A real-time OLAP datastore to capture and analyze clickstream data.
- StarTree Cloud Free Tier: A managed service for Apache Pinot, providing a free tier for experimentation and development.
- Streamlit: A Python framework for building interactive web applications, perfect for creating our dashboard.
Dashboard Features
The dashboard will provide the following insights:
- Event Counts by Type: A bar chart showing how often different user actions occur (e.g., page views, product clicks, add to carts, purchases).
- Average Duration by Event Type: A table displaying the average time users spend on each type of event.
- Content Optimization: Identify underperforming pages and improve them based on user engagement.
- Conversion Funnel Enhancement: Analyze the user journey and find areas where users drop off.
- Personalization: Tailor website content and recommendations in real-time.
- A/B Testing: Measure the impact of website changes by comparing clickstream data.
- Marketing Campaign Effectiveness: Track the success of marketing campaigns.
StarTree Cloud Free Tier Account: Sign up for a free account at in a new tab)
- Python and Streamlit: Install Python and Streamlit on your local machine.
- Sample Data: Prepare sample clickstream data or use the provided sample data.
Generate an Authentication Token:
- Log in to your StarTree Cloud account.
- Navigate to the “API Tokens” section.
- Generate a new token with appropriate permissions.
Update Broker URL and Token:
- Replace placeholders in the Python script with your actual StarTree Cloud broker URL and authentication token.
Install Required Packages:
- Run pip install streamlit pandas altair requests in your terminal.
Run the Streamlit App:
- Save the provided Python script as
- Execute streamlit run
Access the Dashboard:
- Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8501(opens in a new tab).
[] For the StarTree Free Tier – Serverless use the following script
Note: Before running the script make sure to update the Pinot Broker URL and Bearer Token
import streamlit as st
import requests
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
# StarTree Cloud Broker URL and Bearer Auth Token
PINOT_BROKER_URL = 'https://broker.pinot.XXXX:443/query/sql' # Ensure the URL ends with /query/sql
BEARER_AUTH_TOKEN = 'Bearer XXXX' # Replace with your actual Bearer Auth token
# Function to query StarTree Cloud Pinot
def query_pinot(query):
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': BEARER_AUTH_TOKEN,
st.write("Headers being sent:")
st.json(headers) # Log headers to ensure they are correctly formatted
response =
json={'sql': query},
if response.status_code != 200:
st.error(f"Error querying Pinot: {response.status_code}{response.reason}")
st.text(response.text) # Display the response text for additional debugging
return []
result = response.json()
if 'resultTable' not in result or 'rows' not in result['resultTable']:
st.error("Unexpected response format")
st.json(result) # Display the unexpected JSON for debugging
return []
return result['resultTable']['rows']
except ValueError:
st.error("Failed to parse response as JSON")
st.text(response.text) # Display the raw response text for debugging
return []
# Streamlit app
st.title('Clickstream Metrics Dashboard')
# Query event counts by type
event_counts_query = """
SELECT event_type, COUNT(*) as event_count
FROM clickstream
GROUP BY event_type
event_counts_data = query_pinot(event_counts_query)
if event_counts_data:
event_counts_df = pd.DataFrame(event_counts_data, columns=['event_type', 'event_count'])
# Display event counts
st.write("## Event Counts by Type")
# Bar chart of event counts
bar_chart = alt.Chart(event_counts_df).mark_bar().encode(
st.altair_chart(bar_chart, use_container_width=True)
# Query average duration by event type
avg_duration_query = """
SELECT event_type, AVG(duration) as avg_duration
FROM clickstream
GROUP BY event_type
avg_duration_data = query_pinot(avg_duration_query)
if avg_duration_data:
avg_duration_df = pd.DataFrame(avg_duration_data, columns=['event_type','avg_duration'])
# Display average duration
st.write("## Average Duration by Event Type")
# Line chart of average duration
line_chart = alt.Chart(avg_duration_df).mark_line().encode(
st.altair_chart(line_chart, use_container_width=True)
[] For Dedicate Pinot Instance use this script
Note: Before running the script make sure to replace the Pinot Broker URL and Basic Auth Token
import streamlit as st
import requests
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
# StarTree Cloud Broker URL and Basic Auth Token
PINOT_BROKER_URL = 'https://broker.pinot.XXXX:443/query/sql' # Replace with your actual broker URL
BASIC_AUTH_TOKEN = 'Basic your-basic-auth-token' # Replace with your actual Basic Auth token
# Function to query StarTree Cloud Pinot
def query_pinot(query):
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': BASIC_AUTH_TOKEN
response =
json={'sql': query},
if response.status_code != 200:
st.error(f"Error querying Pinot: {response.status_code}{response.reason}")
return []
result = response.json()
if 'resultTable' not in result or 'rows' not in result['resultTable']:
st.error("Unexpected response format")
st.json(result) # Display the unexpected JSON for debugging
return []
return result['resultTable']['rows']
except ValueError:
st.error("Failed to parse response as JSON")
st.text(response.text) # Display the raw response text for debugging
return []
# Streamlit app
st.title('Clickstream Metrics Dashboard')
# Query event counts by type
event_counts_query = """
SELECT event_type, COUNT(*) as event_count
FROM clickstream
GROUP BY event_type
event_counts_data = query_pinot(event_counts_query)
if event_counts_data:
event_counts_df = pd.DataFrame(event_counts_data, columns=['event_type','event_count'])
# Display event counts
st.write("## Event Counts by Type")
# Bar chart of event counts
bar_chart = alt.Chart(event_counts_df).mark_bar().encode(
st.altair_chart(bar_chart, use_container_width=True)