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Alert Configuration Examples
Here are some example configurations which you can copy, change parameters, and quickly create alert in few clicks.
Example-1 – StarTree Threshold
"name": "Sample-alert-name", //change this before you try
"description": "Using StarTree ThirdEye Threshold alert",
"template": {
"name": "startree-threshold"
"templateProperties": {
"dataSource": "Sample-datasource", //change this before you try
"dataset": "sample-dataset", //change this before you try
"timeColumn": "time-column-from-pinot-schema", //change this before you try
"timeColumnFormat": "timezone-format-from-pinot-schema", //change this before you try. You can get this info from Pinot schema. Just copy and paste
"aggregationFunction": "sample-metric-name", //change this before you try
"aggregationColumn": "orders",
"monitoringGranularity": "P1D",
"max": "500", //Adjust this and preview to get best results
"min": "100" //Adjust this and preview to get best results
"cron": "0 0 0/2 1/1 * ? *"
Example-2 – StarTree ETS
"name": "Sample-alert-name", //change this before you try
"description": "Uses template startree-ets.",
"template": {
"name": "startree-ets"
"templateProperties": {
"dataSource": "Sample-datasource", //change this before you try
"dataset": "sample-dataset", //change this before you try
"timeColumn": "time-column-from-pinot-schema", //This is optional. change this to overwrite default value.
"timeColumnFormat": "timezone-format-from-pinot-schema", //This is optional. change this to overwrite default value.You can get this info from Pinot schema. Just copy and paste
"aggregationFunction": "sum",
"aggregationColumn": "sample-metric-name", //change this before you try
"seasonalityPeriod": "P7D", //Adjust this and preview to get best results
"lookback": "P120D", //Adjust this and preview to get best results
"monitoringGranularity": "P1D", //Adjust this and preview to get best results
"sensitivity": "3" //Adjust this and preview to get best results
"cron": "0 0 0 1/1 * ? *"
Example-3 – StarTree ETS with dimension exploration
"name": "pageviewsdemo-ets-dx-withdifferentTuningParameters",
"description": "",
"template": {
"name": "startree-ets-dx"
"templateProperties": {
"dataSource": "pinot",
"dataset": "PageViewsData",
"aggregationFunction": "sum",
"seasonalityPeriod": "P7D",
"lookback": "P20D",
"monitoringGranularity": "P1D",
"sensitivity": "${sensitivity}",
"aggregationColumn": "views",
"queryFilters": "${queryFilters}",
"enumerationItems": [
"name": "overall",
"params": {
"queryFilters": "",
"sensitivity": "1"
"name": "US",
"params": {
"queryFilters": " AND country = 'US'",
"sensitivity": "1"
"name": "chrome",
"params": {
"queryFilters": " AND browser = 'chrome'",
"sensitivity": "3"
"cron": "0 0 5 ? * * *"