Connect Tableau to StarTree Cloud

To connect either Tableau Desktop or Tableau Server to your StarTree Cloud instance of Apache Pinot, you need the following:

  • JDBC driver (JAR file)
  • Tableau connector (TACO file)

How to install and launch Tableau

  1. Build or download the JDBC driver. You can build this from the source code(opens in a new tab) or you can download(opens in a new tab) one that is already built. In either case, you must use the shaded jar, which will have a filename that includes shaded, as in pinot-jdbc-client-1.0.0-shaded.jar.

  2. Copy the JDBC driver JAR to the Tableau drivers directory.

    • On Mac: ~/Library/Tableau/Drivers/
    • On Windows: C:\Program Files\Tableau\Drivers
  3. Download the TACO file.

  4. Copy the TACO file to the connectors directory.

    • On Mac: ~/Library/Tableau/Connectors/
    • On Windows: C:\Users\[user]\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Connectors
  5. Launch Tableau. You may need to launch Tableau Desktop with connector signature verification disabled using one of these methods. See Signing the TACO file for information about how to successfully launch with signature verification.

    • On Mac: /Applications/Tableau\ Desktop\ <version>.app/Contents/MacOS/Tableau -DDisableVerifyConnectorPluginSignature=true
    • On Windows: tableau.exe -DConnectPluginsPath=C:\tableau_connector

Use the Tableau connector

  1. Select the connector from the list of installed connectors.
Tableau Tables Ui

Configure the connection to Pinot and connect.

Tableau Connector Dialog

3. Once you are connected, you will be able to see the data from your data source and can begin to query.

Tableau Tables Ui

Signing the TACO file

Maven is configured to sign the .taco file during the package stage.

Signing requires the following maven properties:

  • taco.signing.keystore – The path to the .jks file containing the code-signing certificate (defaults to taco.jks)
    • NOTE: the taco.jks in this directory is just a placeholder. It DOES NOT contain a valid certificate and must be replaced with a valid .jks file when actually signing the .taco for distribution
  • taco.signing.alias – The alias for the keystore entry that contains the private key needed to generate the signature (defaults to alias)
  • taco.signing.storepass – The password for the keystore (defaults to storepass)
  • taco.signing.keypass – The password for the keystore entry (defaults to empty)

For example, to build a signed .taco file, use:

  • mvn package -Dtaco.signing.keystore=taco.jks -Dtaco.signing.alias=pinotkeyalias -Dtaco.signing.storepass=tacostorepass -Dtaco.signing.keypass=tacokeypass

To automate the building and signing of the .taco, use secrets in a GitHub action to run the build with the properties configured from values stored in the secrets.


Package and Sign Your Connector for Distribution(opens in a new tab)