Upload file
Upload a file up to 30MB in CSV, AVRO, JSON, Parquet, SQL, and other formats. The full list of current accepted file types is appears directly above the upload box.
On StarTree Data Manager overview page, click Create a dataset.
On the Select Connection Type page, click Upload file.
Drag and drop your file into the Select file to upload box or click the box to use your computer’s file manager to locate and select the file, and then click Next.
Enter a Name for the dataset and description (optional), and then click Next. A sample from the uploaded dataset is displayed. If the data appears as expected, click Next. If not, click Back to select and upload a different file.
(Optional) Improve query performance by adding indexes to the appropriate columns and choose encoding types for each column.
(Optional) Configure unique details such as tenants, scheduling, data retention, and a primary key for upsert.
Click Next.
Check the details and preview data. When ready, click Create Dataset.